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We're committed to helping existing businesses accomplish their growth ideas by offering simple and speedy funding solutions. We understand that many businesses are unable to secure funding from traditional sources like banks, with as many as 80% being denied. That's where we come in - we offer same or next day approvals and require no collateral. Whether a business owner is unable to get approved, doesn't want to put up their home as collateral, or simply can't afford to wait weeks for a bank loan, we're here to help.

Equipment  Financing

Financing The Equipment You Need To Grow Your Business.Equipment Financing From $5,000 - $200,000

Self-Employed & Gig Worker Funding

Get Up To $10k In 10 Minutes!

Business Line Of Credit

When You Need Them Most! When The Banks Can't Help - We Can!  Revolving LOCs From $5,000 - $100,000

Business Meeting


The Way to Better Credit

Connect4Credit is here to help our clients back onto the path of financial freedom. We know that tackling your credit is never easy, but we are here to help you every step of the way.

Services Provided

At Connect4Credit, we go above and beyond to provide you with a thorough analysis of your credit report. We take clear steps to improve your scores and also offer guidance on how to rebuild your credit.

Credit Score Analysis

We Work on Your Behalf

Know that you are in expert hands when it comes to this service. Our years of experience helping clients regain their financial footing mean we understand exactly how the credit system works. Speak to one of our agents to find out more.

No Credit Check Start Building Credit 

It's time to build your credit!

  • Safe and secure

  • Reports to all 3 bureaus

  • No credit check

Apply for your secured credit card in minutes and get your finances back on track.

Order Credit Report For $1

We Work on Your Behalf

  • Experian, Equifax and TransUnion™ Reports & Scores Can Be Refreshed Every 30 Days

  • ScoreCasterIQ

  • 3 Bureau Daily Monitoring & Alerts

  • Dark Web Monitoring

  • $1,000,000 Identity Theft Insurance*

Contact us to find out more about our services and how we can help you.

Attractive Young Woman

“Connect4Credit is who you call when you want honest answers and proven results.”

Educational Resources

Knowledge is Power!

Credit Repair 101

Credit repair involves fixing your bad credit in any way, shape, or form. But when most people use the term “credit repair,” they’re referring to the process of challenging and disputing errors on credit reports.

You can go through the dispute process for free with each of the credit bureaus on your own. This involves filing a formal dispute with the credit bureau(s) in question either online or by mail.

In your formal dispute, you want to provide a detailed explanation of the error and include any supporting documentation you have along with it.

What You Should Know Before Opening a New Credit Card

How a new account will affect your credit scores depends mostly on your overall credit history and on the type of new account you are opening. New accounts make up about 10% of your credit score.

First, opening a new account will likely produce a credit inquiry on your credit reports. This new inquiry may have no effect at all, or may make your scores go down slightly, depending on the type of inquiry and the number of inquiries already present on your report. Applying for credit excessively (like applying for many credit cards at once during the holiday shopping season) can almost always be expected to have a negative impact on your credit scores, as more inquiries tend to indicate higher credit risk.

In addition to the impact of new account inquiries, opening a new account can negatively impact your score in two more ways: 1) making your average credit age “younger” by adding an account with little or no history to the existing accounts on your credit report; and 2) an account with a recent “open date” on your credit report indicates to the scoring formula that a new account has been opened, which, as with inquiries and reduced credit age, indicates higher risk.

Buying on a Budget

Budgeting 101: The Basic Tips to Improve Your Finances

Do you still have questions contact us today?

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1449 S. Michigan, Chicago, IL, 60605 USA


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